I thought one of the best ways for you guys to get to know me a wee bit better is to the 50 Random facts tag so lets get started
1. Holly Catherine Nicolson
2. Scorpio...not a big zodiac fanatic but that's what mine is
3. Em Losing the people around me, spiders and clowns ( they are so sinister)
4. My family (when we get on), my boyfriend annnnnd make up
5. Hmm would it be sad to say my Mum and my Boyfriend?
6. That would have to be Beyoncé 7/11
7. Confidence, good personality and politeness
8. Rudeness, Arrogance and poor manners ( does it hurt to say please and thank you?)
9. White ones that say I love you on them...
10. I have 3 tattoos, my lobes done twice and my cartilage
11. I joined blogger so people get to know me a wee bit better and I can write about make up and stuff that I enjoy
12. I feel pretty good how do you feel?
13. To be happy all the time...
15. Well my names Holly so i thought World of Holly would be a good idea
16. Oh now this is a hard one but Dirty Dancing, any Disney film and hmmm I'm not sure
17. Hmm don't have one
18. Again don't have any
19. A lot makes me up set, but arguing with my mum, boyfriend and being alone for too long
20. Being around my boyfriend, getting cuddles and hmm playing with my make up
21. Being polite
22. My Grandma Val :(
23. That's easy my boyfriend Declan <3
24. Like everyone else with there parents
25. Hmm as in holiday away or like summer and Christmas?
26. I don't have one yet I'm still new to blogger
27. I'm going to change this to youtuber but I have to say Joe Weller...have you seen that boy?
28. I hate being on my own for too long and at the same time I don't like being around people for a long time...weird I know
29. People eating loudly, bullying and teenagers being rude to the elderly.
30. Hmm dogs
31. I don't have one at the moment
32. Em I'm not sure...
33. Nothing right now
34. Yeah I'm not telling you that
35. In a coffee shop
36. Depends either my boyfriend, my family or nothing haha
37. Like annoying habits? I crack my knuckles, leave my make up all out and I hardly ever clean my room...only when I have to
38. To have a proper career and live somewhere hot
39. Having kids * hides face*
40. Hmm Boots, MAC counter, Primark and Superdrug
41. Oh now this is hard...can I come back to this one?
42. A blog post or two
43. Does making coffee count?
44. Hmm something romantic but I cant think of what
45. For a while it was Mark Salling (from Glee when it was on E4), but now it has to be Channing Tatum
This is the only one think I look nice in...
47. Im still new to this but one that I love is BexBeauty here's her link http://bexbeautyy.blogspot.co.uk/
48. Just 2 for now
49. NO I don't smoke and I haven't had a drink since like December?
50. Hmm why don't you guys think of one to ask me
I hope this helps you guys get to know me a wee bit better if you have any questions youd like to ask me leave them in a comment I will get back to you. Thank you guys so much for reading and until next time Stay beautiful
Holly x
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